Cursed by Fire (Blood & Magic Book 1) Page 10
Silently I debated ordering a slice. Maybe if I was too busy eating, Inarus would take the hint and decide against asking me so many questions. I eyed him once again. Judging by the determined look in his eyes, I had a feeling that he wasn’t going to give up.
“Is this going to turn into a ‘I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours first’ type of conversation?” he asked me, a sly smile on his face.
“If only you were so lucky,” I offered back.
Letting out a chuckle Inarus leaned back in his chair, eyeing me over the rim of his cup as he took a long pull from the mug. I watched his throat work, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed before setting the cup aside.
“Fine, I’ll bite. I’m a Psyker like yourself. My abilities manifested when I was eight years old and I’m what you’d consider a seven on a ten-point scale. Your turn.” he said.
I eyed him skeptically and decided to give him as little information as possible but a part of me was curious so I wanted to give him enough that he’d continue with this game.
“My abilities manifested when I was thirteen and I have no idea what level I am. You’re the first Psyker I’ve met in person.”
“Really?” he asked, surprised by my answer.
“Yes, really.” He seemed to mull that over for a moment, like Psykers were a dime a dozen and he was so surprised that I hadn’t run into another before. I was pretty sure by the buzzing going on in my head that had I ever been near another Psyker, I would have noticed. Granted, I may have been avoiding my kind for several years now. Not that I was going to tell him that.
“Do you know anything about the Psyker community?”
I barked out a laugh. A community? You mean people like me what, banded together and sang songs? If I’d learned anything after the Awakening, it was that everyone looked out for themselves and those with power, stepped on anyone they could to gain more of it. My abilities were different and could be catastrophic in the wrong hands. I didn’t trust people. They lied and manipulated to get what they wanted.
I shook my head and waited for him to continue, he seemed so excited to share this information, as if it were some gift he was bestowing on me.
I watched in skeptical fascination as his mouth moved, the full line of his lip quirking when he realized I wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying.
“Aria, this is important.”
I waved my hand in the air. “Yeah, yeah. I get it. There are more Psykers out there and everyone is the best of friends.”
He frowned at my sarcasm. “Aren’t you the least bit interested in knowing about your own people?” he asked.
“I have my own people already. I have Mike, James, and Melody. Plenty of people to drive me crazy. I don’t need any more.”
“Aria, you don’t know what you’re missing. When Psykers get together, amazing things can happen. Just think of the all the possibilities. Wouldn’t you like to be somewhere where you didn’t have to hide what you did, what you are? Where you were respected for your powers? Look, there’s this group…”
As soon as he said group, my attention fixed. I squared my shoulders and gave him my full attention, something prickling, letting me know that this was important.
“It’s called PsyShade and is a human organization but Psykers are at the heart of it.”
Yeah, I’d heard of them before. A few years back when a strange man came knocking on my door. Instantly my hackles rose. This wasn’t good.
“You’re one of them?” I asked, unable to tone down the accusation in my voice. “You’re a part of this group, this PsyShade organization?”
Inarus shook his head. “No, I’m not part of it, but I’ve heard about it. I figured you’d want to know more since it’s run by people like us.”
I nodded for him to continue, my every sense now on high alert. After seeing my initial reaction he seemed to choose his words carefully, making me wary.
“Look, I’m going to a gala tonight. Several prominent people in the Psyker community will be there. Come with me. It’ll be good for you to mingle and get to know others like us.”
I frowned and considered his offer, really considered it. I was interested. I wanted to see this other side that had never been open to me before but the voice of reason in my head was telling me this was a really bad idea. I’d run from this very thing before. Why wasn’t I running now? Biting my lip I looked into Inarus’ eyes. He offered me a smile, his eyes pleading, and I melted. Dammit.
“Fine,” I said, under my breath.
“Great,” he said, jumping from his seat. “I’ll have a dress delivered later this afternoon.”
“You don’t need to do that,” I told him.
“Yes, I do. I insist.”
I grumbled a bit more before finally conceding. Having him send a dress was probably a better idea than trusting me to shop for one on my own. It’s not like gala-ready dresses were something I stockpiled in my closet or anything. The closest thing I had to a dress was a black leather mini skirt from my younger days and I hadn’t worn that thing in years.
Inarus smiled mischievously and I reconsidered my decision.
“I’ll swing by your apartment at 6 p.m.,” he said, making a hasty retreat before I could change my mind.
At 5 p.m. there was a knock at the door. A delivery boy around seventeen stood in the doorway when I opened it, his arms full. Two gift bags hung from either arm, with several boxes stacked between them in his outstretched hands. I lurched forward, reaching for the packages as he wavered in front of me under the weight of his load.
“Here, let me take those.”
“Thank you,” he said, sweat dripping from his brow.
“Did you carry all of this up the stairs?” I asked. “All four flights of them?
At his nod I added, “Why didn’t you just take the elevator?” Guessing that maybe he had a phobia of enclosed spaces like I did.
The boy wiped his sleeve across his forehead as I placed the final bag on the floor just inside my apartment.
“There was a woman downstairs who told me it was out of order.”
I attempted a laugh, my ribs aching with each breath but I couldn’t help it and the small sounds of a giggle escaped me despite the pain of my previous injury. His gaze was perplexed and when I got my pained laughter under control I asked, “Did she happen to have long black hair, green eyes, wings, and around my height?”
He nodded enthusiastically, a wide grin on his face. “And she was really pretty,” he added. I laughed again, yes Melody certainly was pretty.
“You realize she’s a harpy, right?”
His face grew serious. “My mother taught me that we are all equal—”
I raised a hand, cutting him off. “I wasn’t implying that she was unworthy of your attention for being a harpy,” I said, watching as he visibly relaxed his shoulders. What a sweet kid, he was going to defend Mel. Little did he know, she would chew him up and spit him right back out.
“What I meant was that she lied. She’s a harpy, it’s in her nature, and you fell for it. I’m sure she got a kick out of you struggling with all of these packages,” I said, indicating the large pile beside me.
A flush crept up his neck and for a moment, I felt bad for the guy. “It’s okay,” I said, pulling some cash from my jean pocket and handing it to him. “It happens to the best of us.”
With that I shut the door. Picking up the packages from the floor I moved them to my room before delving into their contents. I wasn’t really one for dressing up but as I lifted the lid on one of the gift boxes, exposing a luxurious red dress, I had to appreciate its beauty. Pulling it out displayed yards of supple fabric. The dress was beautifully draped and sported a high slit and a low cut back. I set the dress aside and moved to open the rest of the packages. The bags contained various undergarments, a backless red bra with matc
hing underwear and a garter belt to boot. I shook my head as I pulled each scrap of lace from its package. Undergarments were not something Inarus needed to be purchasing for me. I pictured him in a lingerie shop, picking out articles of clothing and a blush crept up my face.
One of the boxes held a pair of strappy heels in a gold metallic color. They were beautiful and the perfect size. I wondered how Inarus guessed my size, and then figured he’d likely looked when he helped me remove my boots at his apartment after the attack. The final box was small. Lifting the lid, I found a note inside, resting atop a velvet pouch. I opened it.
I figured you’d feel more comfortable with a weapon. This should match better than your daggers and leather sheath.
Curious now I pulled out the velvet pouch. Inside was a three-inch silver blade with a finger grip handle. It was shaped like a spearhead but sharper and significantly smoother. Under it was a small black band with a thin slit for the blade to rest in. I smiled as I held each item in my hands. He seemed to have thought of everything.
Quickly undressing, I opted to wear my own underwear but threw on the provided bra and strapped the thin black sheath and blade to the outside of my right thigh.
Slipping into the dress, I sighed at the feel of the lush fabric caressing my skin. Turning, I looked in the mirror above my dresser. The dress hugged my body as if it had been tailored for my shape alone. The halter neckline gave the dress a modest look but when I turned around, my fully exposed back gave the dress sex appeal that no amount of cleavage could have achieved. I’d never seen myself look so, put together. The blade was hidden perfectly within the dress’ floor-length folds but the high slit provided easy access should I need it.
I chose to put my hair in a high knot above my head, exposing the column of my neck in what I hoped to be an attractive fashion. I dabbed a touch of makeup on my face to cover the bruises lingering, keeping things light with just a touch of mascara, blush, and lip gloss that I hoped would detract from the remaining crack in my lip.
It wasn’t long before I heard a knock at the door and quickly slipped into the provided shoes before answering.
Inarus greeted me in a black suit with a black undershirt and vest. He was striking and it took me several moments to gain my composure.
“You look stunning,” he told me, holding his arm out.
“You do too,” I blurted out.
I inwardly cringed. A wide grin spread across his face. I couldn’t believe I’d said that.
“I meant thank you,” I said, placing my hand in the crook of his arm. With my free hand, I locked the door behind me and followed Inarus down the stairs, feeling like a teenager on her first date. Let the embarrassment begin.
On our way to the gala James had called. He had no leads regarding our case or my attack. I hadn’t expected him to find anything but the confirmation was still a disappointment. I assured him I was feeling better and was taking the night off to rest. He didn’t need to know I was out with Inarus. Knowing James he’d show up uninvited had he been aware, his protective streak taking over.
After an hour-long drive we arrived in Newport and pulled up to a beautiful manor. White pillars framed the doorway and shrubs of varying sizes flanked the aisle leading to the wide double-door entrance. Wrapped in windows, light bled into the night. The manor was situated on a hilltop near Diamond Lake and had a direct sight line to the water. The view was breathtaking.
Inarus exited the car and went around to open the door for me. He held out his arm and I placed my hand in the crook of his elbow once again, allowing him to lead me inside. When we walked in, a hostess greeted us and Inarus handed the woman his invitation. She smiled politely as she matched the name on the invitation with her list and then ushered us in.
Our venue was beautiful on the outside but inside, it was magnificent. Marble floors went on endlessly throughout. The walls were painted a soft grey and chandeliers dotted the ceiling illuminating the entire space in a warm, ethereal glow. Inarus led me farther inside as though he were familiar with the place. Past the entry and through a wide hall, we made our way into what appeared to be a banquet room. The lights were dimmer than in the entryway we’d just left, casting faint shadows along the walls. Tables were spread throughout with eight chairs situated around each of them. The room was bustling with activity. Finely dressed men and woman with glasses of champagne in their hands greeted one another and casually held conversations. On the far side of the room was a small stage and podium currently unoccupied.
Inarus guided me to a table on our left with his palm resting on the small of my back. He pulled out my chair and I took a seat, grateful for the opportunity to rest my feet. The shoes he’d provided were beautiful, but were a killer to walk in. I’d barely made my way through the room before my feet began to ache. His hand brushed my hip as he helped to scoot my chair in closer and small tingles ran up my spine. Gah, what was wrong with me?
I muttered curses under my breath as he excused himself to grab a few drinks, giving me the chance to take in my surroundings and catch my breath. His proximity was getting to me and the casual touches were heightening my nerves. Every time he placed his hand on the small of my back or reached for my hand to guide me, goose bumps would break out across my skin. I wondered if he noticed my reaction to him. God I hoped not. How humiliating would that be? I’d never been made to feel so on edge before just by the presence of a man. I rubbed my arms and casually glanced around the room.
Voices to my right caught my attention and I found myself staring at a couple in a heated conversation. The man’s face was red in anger and the woman was frantically wiping moisture from her eyes as he spoke to her in an abrupt tone. I strained to hear what they were saying but only caught bits of pieces before the man stood to leave the table. When he rose from his seat, I got a better view of the woman and was shocked by recognition. Jessica Blackmore sat two tables away from me as her husband stalked off toward the French doors leading outside. I watched as she waved over a waiter, taking a glass of champagne from his serving tray. It took Jessica a matter of seconds to down the glass before she took another from the same server’s tray. She downed the second just like the first.
I stared in surprise, unsure what I was witnessing. Jessica was visibly upset and I wondered what the cause was. What had she and Patrick Blackmore been arguing about? Did it have to do with Daniel?
When Jessica rose from her seat and headed towards the ladies’ room I made an impulsive move and followed her. Tonight may have started off as a social event but was quickly turning into a lead I had to follow. She grabbed more champagne on her way, retrieving two glasses this time from a server that crossed her path. Downing the first in her hand she placed the empty glass on a side table as she entered what I assumed was the ladies’ room.
I glanced around, making sure no one else had noticed me and then slipped through the door behind Jessica.
When I entered the bathroom, three stalls greeted me. The first two were wide open, displaying their vacancy. The third was closed and I could just make out Jessica’s plum-colored heels beneath the door. I went to the sink and busied myself washing my hands in an attempt to appear casual when she came out.
When the toilet flushed and the door opened, I looked up in the mirror and watched Jessica’s reflection stumble forward, glass of champagne still in hand. She hadn’t noticed yet that she wasn’t alone and when she looked up, her glazed expression locking on mine, she dropped her glass and the sound of it shattering echoed in the room.
“What are you doing here?” she slurred. She stepped over the shattered remains of glass, her heels crunching into the debris as she came closer. I turned on the faucet, washing my hands again while she glared at me in the mirror. I ignored her. Reaching to the right I retrieved a paper towel and dried my hands. Jessica stood, her foot tapping expectantly as I finished.
“I’m on a
date,” I told her. I tossed the paper towel in the nearby waste bin and turned to face her, my expression nonchalant. Jessica’s eyes narrowed, her gaze accusing. I kept my expression casual and waited for her to crack. Women like Jessica wanted people to feel sorry for them and right now, she was a mess. Mascara ran down her cheeks, the black streaks marring her near-perfect skin. If I gave her enough time, she’d tell me what I wanted to know all on her own.
“ just think you’re so much better don’t you? Like you’re blessed or something because you can…,” she waved her hands in the air, “do things, well you’re not.”
Yep, like clockwork, she cracked. I almost smiled before I digested what she was actually saying.
“Jessica, what are you talking about?” I was beginning to wonder if following her in here was such a good idea. The alcohol was clearly having an effect on her coherency.
“Oh, don’t play dumb. You’re better than that Ms. Naveed. I can tell you’re one of them, that glow you have to your eyes. I’m not stupid. I’ve been around enough of your kind to know.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Jessica laughs. “God, how dumb do you think I am? You’re at their damn event. You’re a Psyker but you know what, I’m on to you guys’ little game. You may have my husband fooled but not me. You all say you’re human, like the rest of us. That you’re here to help us make things the way they were before but you’re no better. No better than every other non-human abomination that has plagued our world since the Awakening.”
Her prejudice had me taken aback. Her son was one of these non-human abominations she was referring to.
“Jessica,” I said in a calming tone. “I’m a human just like you. I think maybe you’ve had a little too much to drink.”