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Consumed by Fire Page 12

I hammered Hank in the solar plexus, rammed Jerry’s instep, punched Dave in the nose, and struck the other two lackeys in the groin. One with a knee, and the other with a roundhouse kick.

  Their howls of pain were music to my ears but I couldn’t stick around to see how they’d react once they got over the initial blows.

  “Thanks for the help!” I called out as I ran past James and zipped through the exit. I’d lost my fries along the way but what could a girl do?

  Fresh evening air whipped my braid behind my back and I took off down the street at a dead run.

  Boots thundered behind me.


  I put in a burst of speed but knew I didn’t have a chance of outrunning them. Bears or not, shifters were fast.

  I needed some place to hide. I scanned the fire escapes and alleyways before chancing a glance behind me.

  No one was there.

  Frowning, I slowed my steps and turned, walking backwards as I glanced up and down the street.

  Where the hell had they gone?

  I could have sworn I’d heard someone following me.

  I tightened my jacket around myself before patting the inside sheaths hidden beneath the leather.

  I hadn’t pulled either one of my blades out in the bar but that’d been a calculated risk.

  In the bar, I hadn’t wanted to kill anyone. I just wanted to be on my merry way. But if one of those assholes followed me. All bets were off.

  I stepped into an alleyway that would take me back around the block so I could double back and get my car.

  That Honda Civic was my pride and joy. It was safer for me if I left it parked out overnight at the bar and just walked to my hotel, but the thought of those assholes or anyone else vandalizing it wasn’t something I was willing to chance.

  If they wanted to scent me out, they’d find my car.

  I couldn’t leave it behind.

  Just as I reached the opposite end of the alley two strong hands jerked me up from up above.

  “Hey! Let me go!” I thrashed but as soon as my legs cleared the railing my back was pressed firmly against a brick wall and a hard firm body pressed against my front.

  My assailants hand came up to cover my mouth.

  I had nowhere to go.

  Adrenaline flooded my veins and fire simmered just beneath the surface of my skin. I didn’t want to use my pyrokinesis. Not here. And definitely not out in the open like this. But if I had to, I would.

  I bit into the meaty flesh of his hand but rather than jerking away, he leaned in closer.

  His mouth brushed my ear and a shiver of pleasure thrummed through me.

  “Shhh… It’s me.”

  Me? Who me?

  I could barely make out his words. I tried to look at his face but with him so close, all I saw was the dark black fabric of his shirt.

  “James?” I muffled the words through his hand that was still clamped over my mouth.

  “Yeah. Shhh. They’re just around the corner.”

  And then I heard the voices.

  James lowered his hand and leaned back to look down at me. Lifting a single finger to his lips, he indicated for me to stay quiet.

  I nodded.

  “Come on. She’ll never suspect we’d wrap around this way. We’ll catch her on the next block.”

  I ground my teeth together, Sonovabitch.

  He was right. I hadn’t expected them to have the brains to sneak up on me like this. And I’d almost run right into them.

  Stupid. So stupid.

  I swore and tried to push James off of me.

  “Did you hear that?”

  James’ grip tightened on my arms and he pressed his body harder up against mine.

  Suddenly, a different type of heat rolled through me.

  I craned my neck up to see his face and twin pools of mercury met my own.

  He didn’t say anything. And he didn’t move. He just stared down at me with such intensity, I found myself unable to look away.

  If I stood just a bit taller…

  No. I jerked my gaze away.

  We stayed like that for several minutes until the voices of my pursuers faded away into the distance.

  When I couldn’t hear them any longer and I was sure James couldn’t either, he stepped back and leaned against the fire escape railing he’d hoisted me over.

  “Thanks for the save,” I told him. Though I wasn’t exactly sure why he’d bothered helping me. People weren’t much for acts of kindness these days. Not since the Awakening at least.

  You never knew if the person you thought you were saving had claws or fangs and would return your kindness by having you for a snack.

  “Why don’t you thank me by letting me buy you that drink?” He suggested.

  I shook my head. “I’m good. I appreciate the help but I think I’ve had enough company to last me at least a week.”

  James grinned but his eyes narrowed in determination. “There’s something different about you but I can’t put my finger on it. Humor me. One drink?”

  Warning bells went off in my head but I managed not to let any of it show on my face.

  “There’s something different about you too. Your eyes turn to nickels. Can you teach me that trick?” I folded my arms across my chest and waited to see what he’d say. But rather than say anything, he laughed. It was a deep rumble that had my stiff shoulders relaxing.

  “I think I like you. What’s your name?”

  “Sorry. My mother always warned me not to talk to strangers and I should definitely not give out personal information. It was nice meeting you.”

  Before he could react, I swung my legs over the railing and dropped myself back down to the pavement. It was only a one story drop but the impact still rattled my legs.

  James landed gracefully beside me.

  This guy did not give up.

  “What are you? A cat?”

  He growled. “Definitely not. Wolf.”

  Ah, that explained the eyes. “Well, be a good wolf and run along.” I made a shooing motion.

  James scowled and I had to fight hard not to laugh. The look on his face was comical what with the furrowed eyebrows and the who pissed in her cheerios expression on his face.

  “Look, I’m trying to be friendly.”

  I quirked a brow, “Sorry dude. I don’t do the friend thing.”

  “What do you mean you don’t do the friend thing? How the hell does someone not have any friends?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I dunno. But I don’t. So save your friendship for someone who is a people person. Because that someone isn’t me.”

  I walked out of the alley and just as I hit the street where the street lamps illuminated me, I spotted Hank.


  Hank’s head jerked in my direction and I groaned.

  I just had to drop an out-loud F-bomb. Smart Aria. Real smart.

  James chuckled behind me and I turned to glare daggers at him. “You’re really not helping.”

  “Need a friend?”

  “Fine. We’re friends. Will you help me get rid of the asshole now?”

  James’ smile lit up his entire face. “It would be my pleasure. Friend.”

  “Don’t push it buddy. You might regret being my friend.”

  Hank called something out behind him and then cut across the street towards me.

  I didn’t even bother trying to run away this time.


  I charged. James whooped behind me and the two of us waded into their five-man crew.

  Fists swung and I bobbed and weaved like I was Muhammad Ali.

  I landed an uppercut to Dave before lashing out with an elbow strike to the back of the neck. He went down like a sack of potatoes and I ducked, barely dodging the punch that whistled past my face.

  Two of Dave’s buddies came at me at once. Like a cartoon they came from opposite sides and then rammed into one another when at the last second I jerked out of their way forcing them into a headlong collision.

  I snorted. I couldn’t help it.

  One of them recovered quickly and came at me again.

  Damn. But atleast his buddy was staying down.

  Not far away from me I watched James throw Hank over his back before kicking Jerry in the gut as if he were kicking down a door.

  Hank went down hard and he didn’t look like he was getting back up.

  “Yeah!” I cheered. But shit, that slip up in concentration allowed my attacker to punch me in the gut.

  Air whooshed out of my lungs and I doubled over, hugging my abdomen. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to hit a girl?”

  I tried to straighten but he grabbed me by my braid and jerked me around.

  My teeth rattled in my head. I blinked hard several times in an attempt to refocus but I couldn’t get into a position to strike back.

  “How do you like that, bitch?”

  I really hated that word.

  I let fire creep over my skin and tiny flames sprouted along my arms and neck.

  “What the—”

  He released me and stepped back. I lifted my head and smiled, knowing fire filled my gaze.

  “I really don’t like it when people call me a bitch.” I told him and advanced.

  He held both hands up and stuttered, “I.. I.. didn’t mean—”

  I did love it when they got scared. I was five foot seven and maybe one hundred and forty pounds. Compared to this guy, I was a whisp. But there was something about fire and crazy eyes that always made the big guys squirrely.

  James had finished with the other two so this one was our last man standing.

  “I really don’t want to cause permanent damage so I suggest you run.” I let my fire rise on my shoulders and his eyes widened to saucers.

  He turned around and ran like the hounds of hell were after him, not even sparing a glance for his buddies.

  He didn’t need to be told twice.


  I took a deep breath and forced the fire within me to subside. It only took a minute or two but It wasn’t until one of the men on the ground groaned that I snapped out of my focused concentration and realized that James was staring at me.


  “Umm, thanks for the help.”

  He stepped closer. “What are you?”

  “A really awesome chick. Maybe one day we’ll meet again.” I stepped over Dave and hopped over Jerry.

  “Hey. Wait up.” James kept pace beside me.

  The evening air stung my cheeks and I lifted the collar of my jacket higher.

  Several seconds ticked by as we walked back toward the bar before he finally spoke again. “So you play with fire?”

  I nodded. It wasn’t like I’d see this guy again. I wasn’t settling in Moses Lake. So what did I have to lose?

  “Cool. You’re a pyrokinetic and I’m a werewolf. I think that makes a pretty us a pretty great team. Don’t you?”

  Where the hell had that come from?

  I stopped and stared at him. “A Team?”

  He grinned. “Why not? You could use a friend and I could use some excitement in my life. Are you in?”

  “No.” I kept walking.

  “Oh come on.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I already told you, I’m not a people person. And for the record, I don’t play team sports either.”

  “You’re running.”

  “I’m not running. I’m very clearly walking. To my car I might add. So I can leave. None of that right there involves running.”

  “Not from me. You’re running away. From something or someone. I don’t know. But I do know what someone looks like when they’re running. Let me help.”

  I glared daggers at him. “Why?” What could he get out of helping me? “You don’t even know me.”

  James shrugged his broad shoulders and there was a brief flash of something in his eyes. Longing maybe?

  “Maybe I could use a friend too.”

  Dear Reader

  Thanks for giving Consumed by Fire a read. Did you enjoy Aria’s adventure? Are you curious to see what’s next in store for her?

  Forged by Fire, book 6 in the Blood and Magic series will be out soon!

  You’ll love this next adventure. It’s full of action and suspense with a twist around every corner.

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  Xo Danielle

  P.S. Reviews are like giving a hug to your favorite author. We love hugs.

  About the Author

  Danielle Annett is a USA Today Bestselling Author. She likes to write about kick butt heroines in volatile settings and apologizes in advance for all of the cliffhangers in your future. She can’t help herself. She promises that they’ll all be worth it in the end.

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